About Condenser Cleaning

Condensate recovery is among the areas of energy conservation so commonly used in industries today. Condensate still includes about twenty % of unhealthy steam, and it's distilled water, very nearly free of mixed solids. Therefore, its recovery presents advantages to boilers such as lowering fuel charges, lowering substance treatment, conserving water, and increasing boiler efficiency. Non-contaminated condensate, which will be the product of non-contact steam application, earnings to water boiler's program as supply water. You will find two types of condensate getting program in boilers -

the pressurized condensate program and the gravity-vented condensate system. The display water from large stress condensate is recovered by returning that condensate to the deaerator as the gravity-vented condensate results to the boiler supply tank.Often persons said due to its pureness in character; steam condensate needs no substance treatment, but is that so? Condensate is harsh and can be contaminated by rusts, something that not many individuals are aware. Occasionally, condensate may be slightly acidic. For this reason condensate piping drops quicker than steam piping. Oxygen corrosion occurs in condensate piping as pitting, which can be the absolute most harmful kind of corrosion.Carbonic acid thins condensate pipes and triggers grooving at the bottom area of the pipes.

The results is, if a condensate pipe has predominantly pitting, the condensate is saturated in oxygen, if the tube wall is loss, the condensate pipe suffers from carbonic p attack. But, where do oxygen and carbon dioxide in condensate piping result from? Aren't all blended oxygen and co2 in boiler water arrested mechanically by the deaerator and chemically by sodium sulphite or DEHA in the boiler? Actually, you can find two significant reasons because of this phenomenon. First, when water condenses, the movement volume decreases thereby allowing air to infiltrate and dissolve. Secondly, oxygen may also be drawn into condensate system through condensate pumps, dripping temperature exchangers, and ports of condensate receiving tanks.In Malaysia, there was a case in a petrochemical industry where less than thirty per cent of the condensate was delivered to the boiler due to carbonic acid infiltration. In boiler, acidic condensate decreases pH, erodes material, raises reduce iron, and increases the total dissolved solids (TDS) as iron bicarbonate. Iron bicarbonate mixes with boiler water to form iron oxide and co2, and consequently the carbon dioxide mixes with water again. That's why some people can not maintain a high pH in their boilers despite doubling the dosing of caustic soda. This problem in condensate recovery is disadvantageous to steam boilers and radiadores automotrices